So I decided that because Michael usually plans our dates that I would surprise him and plan something special for our 10 months. I have always wanted to go on a picnic to this park that is in the middle of LA and it overlooks the Hollywood Hills and Downtown area. The Griffith Observatory is actually right next to where we had our picnic. The day actually turned out to be perfect because there was no school for me and Michael always has a 4 hour break on Thursdays from classes. Originally I was going to just drive up at the time he was going to get out of class and tell him to come with me. But he told me the day before that he had a meeting and I had to tell him so that he could get out of it. This park is like 20 minutes from where he lives. So pretty and a great couple of hours to just spend time with him and get away from the craziness and busyness of life that we are both in right now. So here are some picture... I realized before the date that we really haven't taken many pictures together this semester so I kind of was camera happy.
(Most of these were taken with my timer on my camera)

(Most of these were taken with my timer on my camera)
All the food! I realized afterward I had bought way too much stuff. But the menus for the picnic was: Hummus on whole wheat pita bread with carrots, celery with peanut butter, devil eggs (which is actually one of Michaels favorite snacks and I didn't even know), strawberries, and a special surprise dessert I will reveal in a bit.

My dessert creation that I was excited about making was whole wheat flour tortilla, peanut butter, honey, sliced bananas, chocolate chips, and then I rolled it up. It turned out great! I was so proud of myself!
Michael got a little tired after we ate all our food.
This one is my favorite... and it was done with my camera timer... love my skirt blowing in the wind!